





From £375


30 Minutes



  • Profhilo® is a revolutionary injectable hyaluronic acid used as a ‘beneath the skin’ moisturising and skin-boosting treatment. It spreads under the skin and has a prolonged stimulating activity on your dermal cells, to improve hydration and stimulate production of your collagen and elastin to counteract skin laxity and improve and restore firmness to the skin.

    It is not to be confused with a dermal filler as it doesn’t change the proportions of your face just the luminosity, laxity and hydration via bio-remodelling of your skin.

    It is a perfect treatment for those who may not wish to explore botox and filler treatments but want a more natural solution to improving their skin quality.

    One of the highest concentrations of hyaluronic acid on the market, Profhilo® not only boosts and hydrates the skin, but also remodels ageing and sagging tissue. The most common areas of treatment include the face and neck and can also be used for the décolletage, hands, arms, knees and abdomen area.

    The treatment is suitable for men and women and offers skin benefits for patients of all ages.

  • For the best results to treat your face we inject Profhilo using the gold standard 5-point BAP (Bio Aesthetic Points) technique. This maximises the flow of the product through the mid and lower part of the face, to target the cheeks, nasolabial folds, marionette lines and the jawline. This means there are 5 injection points on each side of your face.

    Profhilo integrates into the skin evenly and slowly (it takes 24-48 hours to distribute) without resistance, it doesn’t stay in one single place. This makes it less painful and there are no risks of persistent lumps and bumps.

    We can also follow the same principles of Bio Aesthetic Points when treating the neck, décolletage, hands, arms, knees and abdomen area

  • We recommend an initial treatment plan of 2-3 treatments, one month apart. Followed by maintenance every 3 to 6 months to maintain and prolong your best results.

  • Profhilo is a great treatment to help prevent the early signs of aging and help reduce wrinkles. This can help push back the signs of aging and help delay you needing more invasive treatments later down the line. It promotes skin health and well-being. Profhilo is however, is suitable for all ages. It can be used more preventatively in the younger patient and help improve more aged skin too.

  • Risks of Profhilo treatment are very minimal due to the excellent and safe properties, and the way the product is designed to flow and spread under your skin. After your treatment there will be small, localised lumps where each of the injection sites have been. These lumps will usually subside within 4-6 hours after the treatment but they can last up to 24 hours. The risk of bruising is also very low.

    There is however, some aftercare advice to follow to ensure the best results. This includes avoiding avoiding alcohol and strenuous exercise for 24 hours, and avoiding hot environments such as a hot bath or shower, sauna and steam rooms, excessive sun exposure or sunbeds.

Call our friendly reception team to book a consultation with one of our doctors.

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